korunk mmg cool gile kalo korunk click ni =)

Saturday, 27 October 2012

Spa Time!

Hye n assalamualaikum all,

Here I’m again writing to my dearest so called diaries....So, how was your day today my dear friend??

MMmm....Wanna talk on my long time hobby -> SPA TIME! (Since an “Anonymous” just wrote their comment on last post pasal my pedi mani session..hikhik)...

Actually, dulu tkde la minat sgt + tk pernah terfikir pon akan berkecimpung in diz hobby.....For some people out there, they think massage, pedi n manicure thingy is just a waste of money (Seriously! especially man). I also think the same way too before..

Things changed a lot when I started works 3 years ago..... Stressed at workplace (kene marah ngan bos+ byk kerja+etc.) + plenty of time for myself (since im not married yet), I started to explore new things (which is massage+manicure/pedicure at spa)...Hurm, after trying for several time, I seems to like this “new hobby”. For me, it’s like therapy. Mind therapy~~...Perasaan best tu mcm, lagi banyak sen yg dilaburkan (ye LABUR! Utk kebaikan tubuh badan anda!kehkeh), terasa seperti bebanan/stress semakin berkurang...Seriously!! Don’t believe me?just try and  experience it yourself.

COST?? Actually, this activity doesn’t really cost u much...It’s depend on what treatment that u want...If budget ciput, jgn la pilih treatment dasyat2 sgt. For example, 2hours package (scrub +Reflexology+cupping, back n neck massage- using aromatheraphy oil) only cost u RM 150-180..Theres also treatment which can go up until RM300-400, but as for me, 2 hours package (mentioned earlier) is enough....As for pedi/mani spa session (no color, buffing only), its only cost me less than RM 100...really cheap and berbaloi baloi....

HOW FREQUENT??Usually within a month, I usually come to spa for 2 times to do massage thingy (bergantung kepada tahap ke-stress-an yg melanda.. Semakin stress, semakin kerap pergi spa dan semakin pening BFku melayan karenah ini). As of pedi/mani session, once every 3-4 months (depending on occasion/festival..if dekat2 raya mesti nk pergi!hihik)

After years, spending my time (+ of course $$$), I realized so much pro’s to continue this so called hobby:
  1.   Relax  ur mind (bauan aromaterapi sgt membuat kite calm
  2. Good for our health (badan nk bekerja lame..kene jaga ye rakan2)     
  3. Jimat duit(kalau gurls shopping mesti dah abis beratus2@ribu2, baik pergi spa)
  4. Menjaga kesihatan kuku supaya lebih sihat dan shining sepanjang masa.
  5.    ____________...Go and try, then, fill in the blank ok =)
My latest pedi/mani session

Shining and I just luv it =)

Pesanan penaja, dptkan rawatan spa yg menenangkan di spa berhampiran rumah anda sekarang!! Dare to shine??http://my.churpchurp.com/octolady/share/DarlieShineYourDay...hikhik Da~~~~


Friday, 26 October 2012

Selamat hari raya korban!

Assalamualaikum and good day to all,

Hoola holaa..im back here again...

First skali nk ucapkan selamat menyambut hari raya AidilAdha untuk semua kaum muslimin muslimat.. Di hari raya ni, ambillah peluang untuk berjumpe/ melepak bersama saudara mara...ye la..nk tunggu cuti lame, time2 mcm ni la baru nk dpt..

Tp untuk saya, sy akan bercuti sehingga 31/10/2012.. Walau pon tk lama mane...tp cukup puas la tuh nk cuti.. Actually bukan cuti..its MC...haha..rentetan drp episod dimasukkan ke hospital, doctor has advised me to take MC from 20-31/10/2012..Doctor diagnose me ada degenerative changes at cervical spine.Penyakit ini, nothing much we can do..It cannot be better, tp boleh jd lebih buruk..All we can do is to prevent it from become worsen..So need to take long rest (since my work really push us to travel travel n travel, tul tak kekawan se ofis!), beside that kene ulang alik juga ke KPJ utk buat physio..Anyhow, anggapla ianya ujian dr Allah untuk menghapuskan dosa2....Dan anggapla cuti ini ialah cuti raya yg panjang dan seronok!

I just got back home (my parents house) on Wednesday...So adalah beberapa aktiviti yg dilakukan oleh sy n my bro.. Since my mum tk bg buat ape2 kerja pon (doctor advised jgn buat ANY single thing yg berat2)..so akal ini pon berfikir panjang utk melakukan aktiviti2 yg menyeronokkan..

Aktiviti pertama:
Pedicure n manicure – lalalala..happy2 dpt spend time at spa during my MC day while others still struggling at workplace..This is really enjoyable moment for me while for my bro...struggle waiting for me almost 2 hours *pity u..n if u read this post, just wanna say.Im sorry...*
Hasilnya...kuku ku kilat di hari raya..haha

Aktiviti kedua:
Memasak spagethi – Ni sekadar mencuba2 jek...Org nk raya masak ketupat..ni sibuk g beli barang nk buat spagethi...INi melayan karenah adik ku...So, sambil2 tu leh la blaja jugak kan..ngeh2...Anyway, Alhamdulillah..hasilnya memberangsangkan and it taste yummy (masuk bakul angkat sendiri)...

Aktiviti ketiga:
Shopping Version 1–tp bukan untukku..tp untuk adikku..so =( (sad face di situ..)...Since my bro tgh cuti sem, beli brgan keperluan die la..tkt tk sempat..Ingat kn just shopping untuk beberapa barang keperluan sahaja.. tp Nampak nya die sudah shopping tk hengat..Mujurla tk bawak die shopping kat the gardens ke mid valley ke..kalo tk mesti POKAI...hahahaha

Shopping Version 2 – Yg ni shopping for myself...tp just online shopping la...Cube korunk klik http://my.churpchurp.com/octolady/share/HiShopLollipop  ..Kat sini ada memacam brand best2....Can get all stuff with lowest price..try la klik n search for bag ke..kosmetik ke...I just bought bags n cosmetic here...tk sabar nk tunggu barang sampai..*wink wink *

Hurm..aktiviti seterusnya belum sempat direncanakan lagi..keheeheh..nk men bowling da tkleh..haihh...so..akan difikirkan ape lg bende menarik yg leh dibuat sepanjang cuti ini...pergi Hair treatment sound good jugak kan.. *ohh sudahla ell..kamu ingat kamu ni kerja cop duit ke..asyik menghabiskan duit jek* hell yes...I’m really a big spendor...heheheh..

okla.thats it for the time being..chioww chin chau....

Sunday, 21 October 2012

Aku..hospital..tk dapat di pisahkan

Salam and hye  all,
It’s been a week I didn’t write any post here..It’s not im getting bored of this stuff..This week ialah week yg banyak perkara yg tak terjangka berlaku…

If u follow my earlier post, I’ve mentioned that my mum has been hospitalized. If im not mistaken from 31/8/2012, for every weekend, I will spend my time taking care of  my mum at hospital..Unfortunately, on 20/10/2012( Saturday), me myself has been hospitalized..aiyoyo…bulan 9 and 10 ialah bulan lawatan ke hospital untuk saya…

Alkisah bermula…(erk..mcm panglipulara plak rasa) apabila im complaining back ache around 2 weeks ago..So, last Saturday, saja je la follow up dengan doctor at KPJ to investigate kenapa n mengapa im having this back aches again (last time pernah jugak experience this (around year 2010)..tp after dpt ubat n OK..trus tk pegi follow up lg..dah sakit balik, baru terhegeh2 nk pergi balik!haihh..).. And after all MRI and scanning done, doctor advised me to be admitted.. Pd ms dgr perkataan ADMITTED, time tu la rs nk pitam la..rs mengigil lutut la sbbnya sy ni mmg tkt nk kene cucuk jarum…serba tk kene la time tu..

Bila dah masuk ward, nurse KPJ da bersiap sedia dengan jarum utk masukkan ubat tahan sakit ..fuhh…ambo hanyo buleh tersenyum n terkulat2 menghulurkan tgn ambo…dan serta merta nurse berkata , “ adik, kenapa tgn sejuk sgt..tk pnah kene cucuk ke?”…dan sy hanya membatukn diri..
Dialog nurse-nurse hospital:
Nurse 1 : Eh da msk jarum tp urat lari la…(sambil mengeluarkan balik jarum) <--FAILED

Nurse 1: Kita cuba lagi sekali …Alamak, da masuk jarum tp urat die bercabang2..tk masuk betul   ni (keluarkan   jarum balik) ..ko cuba la pulak (merujuk kpd nurse 2)<--FAILED!
Nurse 2 : (tepuk2 tgn sy byk kali)..ok..da jumpe ni….(cucuk jarum, keluarkan balik, cucuk balik tempat yg  Sama, keluarkan balik)…Ehh susahla..ape kate kite panggil Ahmad (Bukan nama sebenar, Nurse Ke-3) <--FAILED AGAIN!!at that time, there was no smile at my face..muke sakit!!!

Nurse 3: (dengan muka pro dan terus cucuk dan Berjaya) <-- PASS!! Tahniah kepada nurse ke -3
Hasil kerja tungkus lumus nurse2 .=(

My feeling time tu, sgt RELIEVED sbb akhirnya pencarian urat di tanganku berakhir dengan jayanya (even successful on 4th attempt)…=(…setelah beberapa analisis di jalankan oleh doctor, he advised me for not forcing myself to lift heavy things and big NO NO on aktiviti lasak (even running, jogging  also not advisable). He also advised me to do more physiotherapy, swimming (im not good in it at all ) and do yoga (achaner tu?). OKla..sy menurut perintah tuan!..

Pesanan khidmat masyarakat utk hari ini, jaga la tulang anda sebelum ianya rosak. Prevention is better than cure !! Harap korunk doakan kesihatan saya!amin~

mari makan ubat!uwek..

The painkiller which almost kill me!

mari belajar swimming!chaiyok!

Monday, 15 October 2012

Lawak Ke Der 2

Hye dan assalamualaikum korunk...

Pejam celik pejam celik dah pun hari Isnin..sekejap jek masa berlalu...

Erm..mari fikirkan sesuatu yg menggembirakan hati disebabkan hari ini hari yg stress..haha..urmm..urm..ha....ada tk sesiapa antara korunk yg minat cerita lawak??Sy adalah peminat no. 1 lawak n kalo ade sumthing funny, I’m the one yg akan gelak at very high pitch sampai org pon pelik...bukan pelik pe..muka serius gile..tetibe gelak kuat...

You all mesti pnah dengar pasal #LawakKeDer rite...nk dijadikan cerita, last 1Oct, me and my colleagues have to attend short notice course in KL area. Since we all have no idea of wut to do, tetibe one of our fren just throw his opinion..”jom la pergi tgk LawakKeDer” ..Disebabkan terlalu bosan kami tanpa bersuara trus masuk kereta n trus pergi sane..tp sepanjang perjalanan baru kiteorg berfikir:

1    1) Mcm mane nk g sane?tk pnah tau Istana Budaya(IB) kat mane...tgk GPS je la – ok settle masalah
      2) Ade lg ke tiket..bukan slalu full house ke? – redah je la..ade rezeki ada la..kalo tkde??..hurm
      3) Kita ni ade bawak duit ke?? – Erkkk...memasing check duit...nasib baik ada..settle masalah.

Setelah meredah jam+sesat dan sebagainya, kiteorg sampai jugak pukul 7.30pm...show start at 8.30pm...tp tiket ade lg ke...dengan berdebarnya pergi nk cari tiket..huhh!!mujur ada...Setelah kami mendapat tiket, tepat jam 8.30 pm kami pon dengan bangga nyer masuk ke grand circle..terpesona sbb selalu first time sgt bersemangat sampai ke IB nk layan LawakKeDer 2. Yg first dulu tgk youtube je pon!hahaha

Tp mmg best tgk real life...tersangat2 lawak..sampai abis show rs mcm da tkleh senyum sbb rs kebas sbb byk gile gelak...Compared to LawakKeDer 1, lawak ke der 2 lg best, Nabil best, Jozan (confirmla best gile..), boboy n Harith pon best sgt2...Shows 8.30-12.00..rsnya gelak jek sepanjang masa..ada je lawak2 baru yg dipertontonkan...Mmg solute kat dorang still mampu buat org gelak dengan jayanya even pementasan dah beberapa hari dijalankan. 

Untuk korunk yg tk berkesempatan tgk LawakKeDer 2 pdi Istana Budaya haritu (ramai yg kecewe sbb tiket sold out), nantikan la kalo ade keluar dlm Astro nnti..As for me, 5 stars for LawakKeDer team.mmg lawak tak ingat!
Tiket pementasan LawakKeDer 2 haritu!I loike~~